Enterprise Estonia supported the project “Futugrid” of OÜ Futugrid Technologies from the Norway Grants “Green ICT” program.
Short description of the project:
The main objective of Norway Grants “Green ICT” program is to complete Futugrid VPP to TRL7 by developing a Target User Module (TUM) and a Central Control Unit (CCU), on both the hardware and software side, also to carry out a pilot project to test systems working together in real life and to develop a supply chain for serial production and delivery.
The goal of the project
The aim of the project is to reach Futugrid VPP technology to TRL7.
The result of the project
As a result of the project, the end-user device has been developed for mass production, the main components of the central control system have been implemented. There will be documented successful technology tests and system certifications.
Project No. 2014-2021.1.02.21-0150 is supported by the Estonian-Norwegian cooperation programme “Green ICT”.
The period of the project:
01.09.2021-28.02.2024. Total amount of the grant is EUR 588,638.25.
Short description of the project:
EAS supported OÜ Futugrid Technologies in Norway’s Green ICT Complementary Activities round of the project “Futugrid 2022” under the Green ICT measure of the Estonia-Norway Cooperation Programme. During the course of the project, additional capabilities and applications will be added to the Futugrid solution to make it more market-ready.
The goal of the project
The aim of the project is the development of a service for the B2B market, hardware analysis, design and preparation of the documentation required for commercialisation. Also end-user mobile API development and Futugrid API creation.
The result of the project
As a result of the project, the Futugrid service is ready to enter the B2B market. The mobile app and Futugridi API are ready.
Project No. 2014-2021.1.02.22-0199 is supported by the Estonian-Norwegian cooperation programme “Green ICT”.
The period of the project:
01.02.2023-30.04.2024. The amount of the grant is €149 970.