Futugrid TUMproto
The EAS supported the project “Futugrid TUMproto” by OÜ E-Tankla under the development component measure.
Short description of the project:
The project “Futugrid TUMproto” is a follow-up to the preliminary study and will create a TUM (Target User Module) prototype with the appropriate configuration and software based on the results of the preliminary study. Initial testing of hardware and software and improvement activities depending on the results of the testing are also performed.
Aim of the project : The aim of the project is to produce a prototype that will be the input for the next stage of development – the production of the TUM experimental series.
Project result: As a result of the project, a TUM prototype at TRL 7 level will be completed. The project ends with extensive testing of the prototype with both the client server and long-term on-site testing of the prototype.
Fund: The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project period:
22.02.2021–30.11.2021. The amount of support is 35,000 €
EAS supported OÜ E-Tankla’s “Futugrid” project with an innovation share.
Brief description of the project: Preliminary study of automated switching of plugdrive electric heaters. During the preliminary study, the capable data transfer protocols are analyzed, a hardware solution is found and a prototype testing methodology is created.
Aim of the project: technological research has been carried out and it has been identified which technological solution will be used and which will be further developed in the next stage.
Project result: As a result of the project, a laboratory prototype will be completed, the principles of the testing methodology will be developed and documentation will be prepared on the basis of the selected hardware and software for the design of the product’s non-laboratory prototype.
Fund: The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project period:
01.10.2020–28.02.2021. The amount of support is 6000 €
EAS supported Futugrid Technologies OÜ’s project “Futugrid TUM Mechanics and DFMA (2014 – 2020.4.04.22-2323)” from the Development Component measure.
Short description of the project:
The project will perform the concept, design and DFMA integration of the TUM single-phase device mechanics required for industrial production planning.
The aim of the project:
To design and specify the technical documentation required for the industrial production of a TUM 1-phase device.
The result of the project:
The project will result in an end-user prototype of the device that has been validated and tested.
Fund: The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project period:
26.04.2022–26.04.2023. The amount of the grant is €34 965.